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Danijel Žeželj (HR)


country: Croatia

testing field: VISUAL ART

Danijel Žeželj is a Croatian comic book artist, animator, painter and illustrator and author of a number of graphic novels. He studied classical painting, sculpting and printing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia. His work has been published and exhibited in Croatia, Slovenia, UK, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Sweden, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil and the USA. Since 1999, in collaboration with musician and composer Jessica Lurie, he has created a series of multimedia performances merging live music with live painting. In 2001  he founded the publishing house and graphic workshop “Petikat“. in Zagreb Most recently he worked on animated films at Zagreb Film. He lives and works both in New York and Zagreb.

“I definitely do not feel as if my learning and exploring has been completed. There are many techniques of visual storytelling and painting that I still want to dive in. It’s the necessity of communication, of connecting to others, that triggers the creativity, and I hope to keep communicating. The aim of my experimental Million4art collaboration project was to design and test new models of financing art through the use of 21st century technology.”  Danijel Žeželj – visual artist.